WP3 Mapping insecurity


Provide a broad empirical basis for thematic analyses in WP 4 – 8 by setting out the general context in which young people in each country and across Europe form their work expectations and ‘negotiate’ their labour market integration and transition from youth to adulthood. It will do this by carrying out a macro-level comparative analysis of early job insecurity in Europe:

  • Provide an overview of the international empirical literature on labour market integration of young people, being sensitive to choices between concepts (e.g. joblessness vs. unemployment) and between existing indicators (e.g. NEET vs. unemployment rate).
  • Map national diversity in the importance that insecure pathways of labour market entry and integration have recently gained in the overall transition patterns.
  • Compare youth unemployment and the quality of young people’s jobs during and before the crisis to assess the impact of the crisis across countries and whether it has made patterns of labour market integration more similar (or different).
  • Investigate the relationship between national differences in the extent and development of early job insecurity in Europe during the crisis and a range of structural-institutional factors such as the country-specific macroeconomic and industrial impact of this crisis, recent labour market reforms that further enhance flexibility and precariousness and the scope and kind of labour market policies used in order to make transitions from school to work and independent adulthood quicker and smoother.

Description of work:

Task 3.1 Empirical review

Review of empirical studies on the careers of young people focusing on (a) the different approaches to employment insecurity during the transition from school to work and the methods and indicators used to measure it on the basis of different kinds of data: cross-sectional, flow, longitudinal; (b) the typologies/patterns of labour market integration of young people. We will discuss what work itineraries of young people may be considered ‘insecure’ as well as consider new tools to measure their incidence by processing micro-data from European longitudinal surveys. To ensure that the work of WP3 is sufficiently anchored to the analytical framework and conceptual tools developed in WP2, the lead partners of tasks 2.1 and 3.1 will liaise closely.

Lead partner: UPSPS. Duration: Months 2-7

NEGOTIATE Working paper No. 3.1: “Indicators and data sources to measure patterns of labour market entry across Europe”.  Download paper: NEGOTIATE working paper no D3.1 (pdf)

Task 3.2 Mapping early job-insecurity in Europe

Map the extent and forms of ‘early job insecurity’ in Europe during the crisis on the basis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, existing and new indicators as well as on the basis of the definition of insecure pathways of labour market entry/integration developed in task 3.1. The analysis will measure the incidence of ‘early job insecurity’ by sex, age, educational attainment, national origin, household income and work-intensity in order to identify across Europe the groups of young people most at risk of marginalisation or social exclusion.

Lead partner: UPSPS. Duration Months 8-13

NEGOTIATE Working paper No. 3.2: “The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis: Identifying risk factors”. Download paper: NEGOTIATE working paper D3.2 (pdf)

Task 3.3 Exploring the dynamics of early job insecurity

Examine the dynamics of early job insecurity before and during the crisis on the basis of flow data and transition rates between labour market states and permanent/temporary jobs. Compare patterns of labour market entry/ integration of young people during the crisis with those before the crisis. Consider whether the crisis has generated convergence or divergence in early job insecurity across Europe.

Lead partner: UPSPS. Participant: UDG. Duration: Months 11-16

NEGOTIATE Working paper No. 3.3: “The role of the economic crisis in determining the degree of early job insecurity in Europe” Download paper: NEGOTIATE working paper D3.3 (pdf) 

Task 3.4 Early job insecurity policies

Map in nine national contexts how recent reforms in labour market institutions and policies and the skills formation system may have affected the incidence of early job insecurity and the patterns of labour market entry/integration of young women and men. Under the guidance of the WP Leader, the national teams will produce short country reports outlining recent institutional reforms. The Czech and Greek partners is responsible for developing a template for the national case studies and for providing a comparative assessment.

Lead partner: MU. Participants: HiOA-NOVA, UB, UOB, UNIBAS, UDG, UPSPS, PUE, ISSK. Duration Months 10-18

NEGOTIATE Working paper No. 3.4: “Institutional determinants of early job insecurity in nine European countries” Download paper: NEGOTIATE working paper D3.4 (pdf) 

National Reports:

WP 3.4 Country Report Switzerland (pdf)
WP 3.4_CZ_National report (pdf)
WP 3.4_Country report Norway (pdf)
WP 3.4_Spain_National report (pdf)
WP3_4_Country_report_UK (pdf)
WP 3.4 National Report Bulgaria ISSK (pdf)
WP 3.4_National_Report Greece (pdf)