Christian Imdorf

Christian ImdorfTitle: Professor
Faculty/ Department: Social Research and Methodology Group, 
Department of Social Sciences
Field of study: Sociology of education and work, 
sociology of conventions, comparative sociology
Subject areas: General and vocational education, educational organisations, 
educational and school-to-work transitions, employer discrimination


I hold a SNFS (Swiss National Science Foundation) Professorship in Sociology, initially at the University of Basel (2011-2015), currently at the University of Bern (2015-2017). I’m a member of the Swiss TREE (Transitions from Education to Employment) panel study management team at the University of Bern.

I graduated from the University of Fribourg with a major in social work and a minor in special education and received my Ph.D. in educational sciences. My postdoctoral studies (2007-2009) at research facilities in Frankfurt, Aix-en-Provence, and Glasgow focused on the selection mechanisms of educational systems in general and vocational training systems in particular.

My current research projects focus on educational systems and gendered school-to-work transitions from a comparative perspective, pathways to higher education, school-to-work transitions in Bulgaria, and organisational forms of vocational education and training (e.g. training networks).