WP9 will focus on the dissemination of results from all the work packages to ensure that the work done and the related findings have a high impact and extensive coverage in policy fora across the EU and beyond.
More specifically, the purpose of WP9 is to help NEGOTIATE meet the expected outcomes enunciated in the call. Part and parcel of this process is an active involvement of relevant scientific communities, stakeholders, practitioners and youth (in particular through the NYPs). The aim in this regard is to exchange and discuss knowledge on the causes and consequences of early job insecurity and provide recommendations on policies, measures and strategies to combat youth unemployment and job insecurity in Europe.
Description of work:
Task 9.1 Interactive communication channels
Set up and maintain interactive channels for communication at the European and national level. NEGOTIATE will set up a project website for external and internal communications. The project website will have several layers and functions, regarding both project management (WP1) and dissemination and impact.
The first layer will be for promoting consortium activities and making research results available to a wider audience. A second layer will be for inviting this wider audience into discussions on the research results through opening up for comments and feedback on policy briefs and blog-posts published by the consortium members.
A third layer will be for including the National Youth Panels (NYP) in an online discussion forum. A fourth layer will be available for internal communication and document collaboration and applied in WP1 on management. Moreover, we will make use of new social media such as twitter feeds, blogs and Facebook to reach a large and relevant audience to communicate news and reports from project related events.
Lead partner: HiOA-NOVA. Participant: SOLIDAR. Duration: Months 1 – 36
Task 9.2 PR material
Develop project PR material (logo, PowerPoint presentation template, posters, and project leaflet.
Lead partner: SOLIDAR. Participant: HiOA-NOVA. Duration: Months 1-2
Task 9.3 Sharing knowledge with other relevant research projects
Continuous discussion and exchange of findings and practical challenges with the Scientific Coordinators of other relevant on-going FP7 projects, in particular the STYLE, DISCIT and CUPESSE projects. The Scientific Coordinators of the mentioned projects will be encouraged to disseminate findings from NEGOTIATE among the project consortia and place links to NEGOTIATE on their project websites.
Lead partner: HiOA-NOVA. Participant: UOB. Duration: Months 1-36
Task 9.4 Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder involvement for collaboration and involvement of relevant scientific and policy communities. Stakeholders are involved at both European and national level, organised in an International Advisory Committee (IAC), National Stakeholder Committees (NSC) and National Youth Panels (NYPs) in all partner countries.
To secure a dialogue with relevant stakeholders and policy makers this task will include at least one meeting per year with each of the three forums. The aim is to turn the project into a continuous and inclusive process of mutual knowledge exchange and joint knowledge production between stakeholders and Consortium Members.
Lead partner: HiOA-NOVA. Participants: All partners. Duration: Months 2 – 36
Task 9.5 Particiapte in academic and public debates
Continuously exploit opportunities to discuss and present on-going work at national and international academic conferences and participate in the general public debate through contributions in mass media and participation in public events at national and European levels.
Lead partner: HiOA-NOVA. Participants: All partners. Duration: Months 2-36
Task 9.6 Policy briefs
Dissemination of main results through a series of policy briefs. The NEGOTIATE Policy Brief Series will sum up the main conclusions and results from each work package and will serve as an instrument to reach and communicate with non-academic as well as with academic audiences. These will be written in a jargon-free and non-technical language to make them accessible to a wide readership of decision-makers, civil servants, public employment service administrators, political parties, youth organisations and social partners.
Lead partner: SOLIDAR. Participants: All partners. Duration: Months 2-36
Task 9.7 Continuation strategy
Develop a project ‘continuation strategy’. In order to make sure that the project’s potential is fully exploited and with a view to enhancing NEGOTIATE’s long-term impact, the Consortium Members are committed to making a plan for how the resources (both human and financial) invested in the project can produce a value-added also after the end of the formal funding period.
To this end, the Consortium will draft a NEGOTIATE Continuation Strategy that 1) identifies (theoretical and empirical) questions for further research related to early job insecurity in Europe; 2) suggests possible ways to study these new research questions, and 3) outlines ways (including potential funding sources) in which the Consortium Members may continue collaboration, bilaterally or as a collaborative team.
Lead partner: HiOA-NOVA. Participants: All partners. Duration: Months 31-36
Task 9.8 Final conference
Final conference in Brussels with participation of all the National Stakeholder Committees and the International Advisory Committee.
Lead partner: SOLIDAR. Participants: All partners. Duration: Month 34