The 9 overarching goals of NEGOTIATE

Adolescents performing parkour

Over a period of 36 months the NEGOTIATE participants will:

  1. Analyse how adverse labour market conditions for young adults affect their scope for active agency on the pathway to adulthood.
  2. Examine young adults’ own perceptions of job prospects and their scope for negotiating their position.
  3. Map the general context in which young people in Europe form their work expectations and negotiate labour market integration and transition from youth to adulthood.
  4. Improve our understanding of the mechanisms leading to cross-country variations in the individual consequences of early job insecurity.
  5. Gain comparative knowledge about the long-term consequences of young people’s job insecurity through analyses of the life courses of older birth cohorts.
  6. Gain insights into employers’ evaluations and risk-assessments of young job applicants in different policy contexts across Europe.
  7. Deliver new knowledge about the conditions under which early job insecurity has the least adverse outcomes for subjective and objective well-being.
  8. Assess the coordination of policy measures and strategies to strengthen young people’s negotiating position in labour market transitions, integrating the horizontal and vertical dimensions of coordination in the context of European multi-level governance.
  9. Inform the public and facilitate policy learning about factors that foster societal resilience at national and European levels.