Start of the recruiter survey

Young man at a job interview

In a recruiter survey NEGOTIATE investigates the decision making of recruiters when they hire for qualified jobs. We are interested to understand from the recruiter’s perspective how early job insecurity of job applicants can affect their future career. The survey covers five sectors (health, gastronomy, IT, finance, and mechanics) in four countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland.

After successful completions of earlier pretests, the data collection of the main study has started in the week of 16th of May. Several hundreds of recruiters in Bulgaria, Greece and Switzerland have received an invitation to participate in the study. The survey in Norway will start in early June.

The recruiters’ assessment will be investigated with regard to the educational background, the duration and point in time of unemployment, unsecure employment experiences, and gender of the job applicants. In Greece and Norway an additional focus will be on how recruiters evaluate the participation in labour market activation measures of job applicants during unemployment spells. In Switzerland the implication of job hopping will be analysed. In Bulgaria the focus will be on how recruiters assess international experience of applicants.

We would like to thank the numerous recruiters for their valuable answers and for having taken their time to contribute to the survey.

First preliminary results of the recruiter survey are expected in early 2017.

Words by Penghui Shi and Christian Imdorf, Department of Social Sciences, University of Basel (UNIBAS), Switzerland